How to Start A Great Day

Start by going  BANG with the alarm

Ready set go, When you wake up think, No procrastination no hesitation – Think 1, 2, 3 go as the alarm rings, jump out from the starting which is your bed.

First Things First Read your goals for the day

  • Wipe the sleep from eyes as you review the Day’s prize, that should be at least 3 tasks to get you closer to the finish line.

Do some thing to wake your self up

So you’re out off  bed, No pause, no Hesitation we move fast no time for procrastination, so that’s fifty on the clip, integrate push ups with visualisation, 20 min to an hour meditation will benefit every other hour of the day Its 4:35  it’s early we can fit in a meditation, that’s one hour of Zen that sets the tone for the walking meditation. Mantras and Visualisation help to raise the tone of the mental emotional vibration. 5:30 eyes open as we end the candle meditation.

Arouse the will power with Breathing exercises

  • Melatonin is telling you to go back to sleep, quick breathing helps to stimulate serotonin to wake you up.

Meditation sets the mood, movement gives you the juice, to get the heart in gear.

We’ve got one hour before the kids wake up from their nights slumber, so on with the sneakers and off with the night rob. Off to the park we run, Some of us juggle and run, the correct term is joggling, try it, its brain Stimulating fun, it relaxes mind and aids concentration. Joggling makes a grey run (boring), colourful and fun.

Don’t let your mouth off the hook give it a workout

Your favourite affirmation will do you well as you run, Remember What Napolean Hill said, about Auto suggestion  (affirmation), desire mixed with emotion will get you quicker to you destination, so I can guarantee a run will be the prefect Catalyst to inject and burn your affirmation into your subconscious, let the power of you discipline stimulate your emotion. If your a public speaker this is a perfect time to practice your diction, this practice will help you refine the art and technique of verbal communication, expanding lung capacity and vocal control, adding a little resonance and clarity to your voice. I can guarantee that your confidence will rise in direct Collation to this exercise.

Cross training: monkey around explore movement

To the park, we arrive there’s no kids around so off to kiddies climbing frame we head. The monkey bars and climbing frame make a perfect training aid to develop your upper body. If you live in London you can benefit from one of the numerous outdoor gyms, I think this can be perfect to get you out door fit.  Whether training in the kids play area or the out door gym, I call it a perfect companion to the morning hour of power. (Relax, move slow, soak in the positive feeling) moving meditation helps us to connect to the heart. Personally speaking my early rising hour of power, is built up of qi gong moving meditation, to relax and promote energy cultivation, it feels good being apart of this early morning movement, skyward we face feeling gratitude, giving thanks to our source of inspiration. For me the only thing missing is the beat of the drum.We tune into the beat of our heart within us.

Join the millions in your time zone who rise with the sun, It all about the hour of power

Across the world people are entering in to the zone, no thoughts just now, movement outside, still within, the minds relaxed the muscles have been primed for peak performance. As the sun rises there’s an explosion of energy, be apart of the explosion, as the earth heats up call it kundali call it chi, call it the high, call it adrenarline.

Whatever you call it energy explodes into a states of activity, some people feel like running they can do ten extra miles, some hit the weights bench and give it ten more reps, others are in the swimming pool feeling the same surged of energy, they give it five more laps using the butterfly technique on lookers inspire by this display of peak performance energy, me, in the park feeling the same energy, their are so many others like us exploding with energy, material art, fluids yoga, fun running from a high, meditation, breathing soaking in that energy, some are running  on the beach, others are shadow boxing up against a tree, for me its 6:30 I wipe the sweet from my brow, reach into my backpack invest half an hour or so  in reading words of wisdom and some word of inspiration as I read walking I exercise my awareness and Peripheral vision, home I go after an successful hour of power thank you Antony robins for the inspiration.

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