Self Growth; Your Acid Alkaline Balance

  • How to improve your health and Performance with a alkaline diet
  • What are the effects of an over acid diet

The big man Tony Robbins first introduced me to the science of acid /alkaline foods. He explained how an over acid diet can really throw you off tract, effecting a person psychology and performance. This was great advice but ” I wished I had known about these years earlier”.

Here’s a few a quick Facts about acid to help get things into prospective

  • 1 can of cola contains about 9 teaspoonful of white sugary. It takes around 33 glasses of water to neutralize 1 glass of cola.
  • The good news is that when you’re too acidic your body tries to get more alkaline, the bad news is that your body sometimes creates fat to protect the major organs from acid attract.

– This may be why some people struggle with their weight despite not eating a lot of food, this is because the body creates and holds onto fat for protection from acid.

In the Long term Bones can become brittle and decayed. The body tries to correct this ph problem by using the minerals in your bones and teeth the restore the body’s pH – this is bad news for your bones and teeth because they get the life sucked out of them. If you ever asked the question why do some people shrink as they get older, you know the reason now, its Acid attack.

A couple  of weeks we Spoke about Clown food AKA – food, in this  where’re going to look at the effects of alkaline/ acid foods and the effects they have on your mind body and psychology Every food/thing we put in our bodies acts like a drug. This means there is a physical effect on the body; there’s know getting away from this, ITS THE LAW.

Those affect will either be

  • Heating the body up (acid forming)
  • Neutralizing (balancing/cleaning)
  • Cooling the body down (alkalising)

Toxic life style –

In my early twenty I was managing a store in Wimbledon, at this it was normal to eat fast food, chocolate bars, crisps, soft drinks smoking cigarettes on a daily. Most days after work I would hit the pub. It was also normal to smoke weed and drink at the weekends, I would have smoke during the week, but even then I found it had too much of an effect on my performance at work. When I smoked felt good, I was getting high. But was I really getting high! Or was I getting Low, I noticed, Clouded slow thinking, laziness, it took a lot of energy to get my ass into gear, which was a learning experience in its self. I had to pay a heavy price for this habit.

Physically I would feel a general discomfort all over, this was a side effect of a toxic life style . When I had to do things outside of my comfort zone, I was also irritable and sensitive. At this time I was still trying to teach my self to read/write – this life style was a major obstacle and weight to progress.  This Toxic life style throw my mind into a state of unconsciousness (all forms of learning or higher thinking took a colossal effort and injection of will power).  All in all I was screwing up the chemistry set that is my body.

Here’s the effects of that life style

  • My mind was clouded
  • Thought/ mental Agility become slow
  • Energy lessened

Acid relationships, Like attracts like

You’ll notice that when you live a toxic/acid life style you attract other toxic people, if your a smokers you’ll attract smokers, if you take drugs whether hard or soft you’ll attract other drug users, if your a drinker you’ll attract other drinker, if you like junk food you’ll find your self dining with other people who munch clown food. Birds of a feather flock together.

Alkalising mind and body

Tool of personal development I used in the acid/alkaline war

  • Cutting out and lowering sugar achool intake

Cleaning the body with food and food supplements

  • Aloe Vera
  • Spirulina
  • Wheat Grass
  • Raw Green juices, like Cucumber and spinach

Alkalising exercises

  • Meditation
  • Yoga
  • Qi gong

In my experiences an over Acid life style can lead to the mind/Body becoming Over toxic. Which is not beneficial to personal growth Detoxing / alkalising will lead to improved mental functioning, This takes discipline because acid foods tend to be addictive, so in detoxing, I think it is necessary to come at it like a Jedi. That means having discipline and a well considered detox plan, and to be kind to yourself Like a mother, meaning not to be to hard on your self if you break your detox/diet, or you find it hard to let go of addictive or acidic food, the point is to make gradual progress and learn from your experience.

Here are some useful video’s and articles on Acid / Alkaline and

Here’s a acid alkaline food chart

Tony Robbins talks about Acid / Alkaline water.

Dangers of Sugar In take

Bitter truth about sugar

SUGAR – ITS EFFECTS ON THE BODY & MIND – this is a must see


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