Self Empowerment, Bossing Up Your Game

Bossing up is self improvement self development, empowerment at its finest, Increasing one’s spiritual, political, social and economic awareness strength, Starting at a personal level expanding your influence and impact to friends family and communities. Bossing up involves developing attitude of continued growth and Learning to increase your own value. Which ultimately makes you a positive asset to society.

Bossing up = Self empowerment ~ Self empowerment = Responsibility

Bossing up is the ultimate form of self empowerment. First of all, Who does the term bossing up apply to well, if you think your poor and brook, you need to boss up, if your finances are out of control, you need to boss up, if your feeling negative and over whelmed, you need to boss up, if you lack motivation and drive, you need to boss up, if you think the whole world is against you, you need to boss up, if you want greater gravitas, bossing up is for you.

What is bossin up

Err, that easy, well setting your self goals is a form of bossin up, carrying out a Self development plan is a form of bossin up, exercising your self discipline Is bossing up, Running around the block for your health, is bossing up, reading a self Improvement/ personal development book a month, is a form of bossing up, taking control of your mind, emotions and body is bossing up, maintain a steady focus on your goals, is bossing up,taking responsibility for your family and community is bossing up, entrepreneurship is, Bossing up, reading the words on this page is, bossing up, which means self empowerment is the ultimate form OF BOSSING UP.

Example’s of Self empowered people bossing up

Can you boss up, yes you can,here’s some examples of bossing up Richard Branson’s rag to riches stories is an example of bossing up, Will Smith being a positive powerful role model is an example of bossing up, Anthony Robbins decision to be and give more is an example of bossing up, Oprah Winfrey business empire is an example of bossing up, Rosa Parks saying she not going to the back of the bus, was bossing up, Marcus Gravey demonstrating entrepreneurialism was bossing up, Barak Obama saying yes we can is an example of  bossing up, John F Kennedy, saying”Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what can you do for your country, is telling you to boss up.

Self empowerment – How to boss up

Start first by taking responsibility for were you are right now, bossing up is a Journey of self discovery, self actualisation and self empowerment. Self empowerment is about exercising and increasing personal power, and of course you can say is the making of a Boss. Bossing up starts by taking responsibility, developing and living your vision exercising, Personal management, personal power and personal discipline.

What does it mean to be a boss – well to start with a boss is a wise leader of his self first. It’s easy to fake it and act like a boss bullying people around like a McDonald’s supervisor. A boss is not just a person who exercises control over other people or Employees – that’s a dictator, No A boss is a person who exercises control Over Him self, earning himself the respect of his peers who will then put him in a position of power and responsibility, which may include exercising authority over other people.

Bossing up or self empowerment is practical self help, Self improvement, self development personal development etc, I first became impressed with the term boss up after hearing it in a music by conscious Hip Hop artist Stic Man, M1  from the group Dead Prez.. I’m all for personal Power and self empowerment, which the term boss up embodies.

  • Bossing up is about the ability to make balanced informed wise decisions about personal/collective and environmental circumstances.
  • Bossing up is about your ability and competence to access information and resources for practical use.
  • Bossing up is thinking outside of the box, exercising your ability to think about a range of options from which to choose (not just yes/no, either/or, this is acceptable or not).
  • Positively-thinking about your ability to make changes, your to ability to learn and access your skills for improving your personal or collective circumstances.
  • Bossing up is the growth process that is never ending and self-initiated, increasing one’s positive self-image and overcoming blocks and limitations, increasing one’s ability in critical and creative thinking.
  • Bossing up is about being that Boss man /woman, who is not going to be pushed around by circumstances. Bossing up is about how to be that man or woman, who exercise a positive impact in their sphere of influence.
  • Boss up showing yourself and the world that you shall represent your self to the best of your ability, Bossing up is you in the making, Bossing up is a rite of passage.

Rule’s of Self empowerment

Yeh, so you want to boss up, ha you want a Piece of the American pie guys, well there’s a couple of rules that you better know, if you want to up your pay role.

  • Boss up rule 1… The boss is always ahead of the game, plans ahead.
  • Boss up rule 2… The boss is a self leader
  • Boss up rule 3… Birds of a feather fly together the, boss recognise other bosses when he see one and uses the opportunity to up his game.
  • Boss up rule 4… A boss expects more from him self then anyone else.
  • Boss up rule 5… A boss leads by example.
  • Boss up rule 6… A boss learns how to get the best out of other people.
  • Boss up rule 7… A boss is a continual learner.
  • Boss up rule 8… A boss takes responsibility.
  • Boss up rule 9… A boss recognises that his power comes from within; he is always seeking to improve himself because he knows his personal skills and talents is crucial to his business success.
  • Boss up rule 10… A boss is a master teacher and a Master student.
  • Boss up rule 11… Every problem is an opportunity, power and profit can be found in adversity, a boss knows an open and creative mind is the key to success.
  • Boss up rule 12… A boss doesn’t trust a butcher to do a bankers job, in the same way a boss does not partner up with men that haven’t proved themselves.
  • Boss up rule 14… A boss belive’s in his Self -You already have plenty of power, bossing up is letting this power out.
  • Boss up rule lucky 15… A boss is self motivated.

Bossing up is about being success conscious

In ending -Success consciousness is ultimately the name of the game; success consciousness requires a Progressive Philosophy. with a progressive philosophy, the mind of a boss is polarizes for success, this Success consciousness guarantees that you the boss will grow an ever increasing sensitivity to your environment and the opportunities and that will further your goals, or lead you closer to your objective this is what can be called opportunity conscious.


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