31 days… Of yoga, fasting, meditating, mega conditioning and going against the grain. I have made fabulous progress personally using the information and advice on my personal development space.com.
Now Its time to take my personal performance to the next level. And transform myself professionally as a speaker, a coach and blogger. Being that I’m religious about personal growth and development, my challenges is personal excellence. I want to be able to trade punches with my role models. I shall be as productive as Steve Pavlina, I shall be a master of communication like Anthony robins, I shall
be as entrepreneurial as Richard Branson, I shall be a great role model like Will Smith, I will be as courageous as Marcus Garvey and so on. I have so many role models I could go on and on.
I shall be going against the grain from here on in, defying and challenging popular wisdom. It so happens that I started my 31 days of transformation on 11th of august which is the beginning of Ramadan, the Islamic month of fasting, What Amazing Coincidence “the universe has conspired to grant me spiritual support during this period of mega conditioning, refinement and transformation, I to will be using fasting as a tool in may 31 day transformation.
I have not been one hundred percent congruent with my personal exceptions and my inner vision. I believe that, my lack of congruence is part and parcel of my ongoing growth, understanding and development. You know how it goes, sometime we end up going though things emotionally because you neglected to attend to situations rationally, which is a sign that understanding has not been fully integrated, you just know it intellectually, which does not equal true knowledge
or wisdom. For example I know smoking and drinking, was f ing up my mind progress, but I didn’t
take action to break the habit for many years. But in saying that the experience of alcohol and weed, heightened my inner understanding and sensitivity of the mind and body, before I could see the divinity of my own temple and what effects my lifestyle was having on my furture, before I really become conscious of who and what I am, its like I had to knock my self silly.
Recently I was reading a book a dianetics and I came across an interesting concept, the author was explaining the key principles of dianetics said that all life on earth share a common goal and that is to survive. The author continued to explain that all our actions and decision where to ensure our survival. in relating what he said to addictive behaviours such as alcohol, weed, food or whatever drug or distraction you use, we kind of use these substance to protect our emotions. Over coming additive behaviour was a major challenge for me a few
years ago I had to dig deep, and recondition the mind to adopt new behaviours, habits and disciplines to fill the space, I had to set my mind in a new direction… the results were amazing this process transformed me into a self growth freak, the more I challenged my self the more my world opened up.
Now I want to challenge myself professionally, to discover new professional highs, establish my self in the top 3 percent of the personal development industry, I have a message and I want to share it. I want to inspire the world and be of service to people, I want to aid as many people as possible to find
their unique gift and talents. I want to help people to transform their reality for the good. So now its time to kick start the revolution in my thinking and beliefs. My 31 day of mega peak performance will set a new bench mark in the enfoldment of Lloyd Christie, the Professional.